Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Emma was a very lucky princess to have the company of 3 great guys for trick or treating. Our firefighter, dalmatian and dino-dragon friends helped us have an extra fun night.

Labels: halloween
Lots of fun to be had (all except that little break down at one of the last shops) at the downtown TOT event.

Grandma And Emma checking for fairies.

Emma was very interested in the hand! She even talked about it on the way home. Right after this picture she played with it making it move and talk.

She was tired and hungry, but wanted to venture on!

The princess took a quick break and was jamming to the music.

Labels: halloween
Just a few quick pictures before Grandma and Emma headed off to school for the big party. Lucky mommy got out of school a bit early and was able to drop by for a bit too!

Labels: halloween
Emma helped design this beauty. It had to have one circle eye (hey, I tried), one triangle eye and a pointy nose! Ewwie and gooey, but fun!

Labels: halloween
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The Prince Story
Emma told me an adorable story this evening before going to bed. She wanted to know if the angels were watching her as she slept. And I replied “yes, of course” and she asked “who else?” I told her God was also watching over her and once again she replied “who else up in the sky is watching me and loves me?” Together we went over the litany of Oma Emma, Grandpa Alber, and Grandma Rose; this was not enough. Grasping for straws a bit, I told her mommy’s old dog Prince was watching over her and loved her too. This is where the real story begins.
Emma thought for a minute and asked me if Prince was playing on the moon. I told her I wasn’t sure, but maybe. She then told me that she would become an astronaut and go up to the moon and bring my little doggy back to me so we could play together again. She also said all her friends from school would help. Hard to keep a dry eye around here tonight. I love my baby girl.
Labels: story
Monday, October 29, 2007
Although it was a bit chilly, I think a good time was had by all. Alex's team (pictured below) even won the scavenger hunt. Somehow Alex and Laura managed to sneak onto the same team! Emma just enjoyed hanging out in her beautiful princess outfit that Grandma Sandy made.

Labels: halloween
Friday, October 26, 2007
Even though Emma wasn't feeling 100% we decided to give the pumpkin farm field trip a go. We figured she was past the contagious stage and heck, she picked the cold up from another kid who wasn't past the contagious stage and was sent to school to pass on his germs too. She had a great time, especially with her friend Katie and we were able to find a perfect pumpkin to boot.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007

Labels: lake, lighthouse