As I was reviewing the pictures from our trip to California I fell in love with a few photos of the girls together; not because they were great photographs per-say, more because of the moments they captured. Em and Maddie have been best buds since they were tiny babies. As they have gotten older they have had less opportunity to hang out since they attended different schools; but no matter how much time had past since they had their last play date, they always had a ball. As of Jan, their opportunities to play together dwindled even further when Maddie and her family moved to CA. And while we are happy for them and the great opportunity it presents for their family, we miss them lots back here in A2.
So, we decided a visit was in order! It was fun to watch the girls interact with each other on our trip to CA. They played nonstop for 4 days! The only breakdown was when it was time for us to leave (a record for Emma!). Meg and I chuckled as the girls posed in front of the Las Vegas lego display, maybe in 20 years we will see an older version of the girls posing in the real location. Who knows, stranger things have happened. :) For now, it was fun just to watch their special friendship continue to grow.

Labels: california, emma, friends, park