Sarah, Lisa and Alex before the climb |
Sweet cousins before |
Em testing out her equipment |
Niko just being cute |
Zai and Niko |
Sarah and Em ♥ |
Em Climbing |
Joe flying |
Joe getting a little tangled |
Lisa flying |
Lisa and Joe clipping in |
Yup, that is me way up there, this was no where near the highest either. |
Another one of Mama (me), just hanging out waiting for the others. Somehow I was chosen to go first, kinda lab-rat like. |
Me flying, whee! |
Mama tightrope walking |
Niko on the bobbycar |
Niko climbing |
Sarah was a little tired after the climb and decided for a quick break in the mud,oops! |
Sarah climbing |
Labels: alex, climbing, cousins, friends, germany, joe, lisa, mama, park, sarah, vacation
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